Target 550: an exercise in Land Speed Vehicle Construction.
Starting with a clean sheet of paper, chalk on the floor and a reasonably open mind, we are well on the way constructing a vehicle that will
exceed the speed that all conventional wheel-driven, piston-powered autos have attained to date (by at least 100 mph.)
This may seem to be long in the bragging rights, but the equipment available, crew willing to assist and current information given to us
by the experts allows us to believe this statement to be valid. Intended run date is the fall, year to be determined, at the Bonneville Salt Flats.
Looking into who has done what and why in the past gives us better vision into the future. (Monday morning quarterbacking is one of the assets that we have.)
Speed is the end result of good design, low CD, proper power supplies, thousands of hours of construction, attention to detail and the
ability to stay on top of the initial plan. We have seen that money alone will not bring the program to the final solution. When a plan starts with an
incorrect premise, there is no way to correct the flaw. At this time we are doing our utmost to make the design correct and still leave the execution
flexible enough to make any error that we may have made correctable.
To this end we are keeping our minds open to suggestions.

At this time there are some things that have been done. The engines have been assembled: 2 Dodge 510 cubic inch hemis that will have Whipple superchargers, heads by Webster,
KB billet crankshafts, Mallory magnetos, Gates drive belts, RCD pulleys and Waterman fuel pumps.
Transmissions are B & J airshifted 4 speeds. (ratios: 1.45-1.30-1.25-1.0)
Clutches by Crower, 3 disk models.
Rear end and front end are Halibrand housings, Arrow 1.5 to 1
ring and pinions. 300M Lenco driveshafts and special pressure oiled pinion bearings.
The belt drives for the side shaft are also completed. The driveshafts for that operation have just been given the nod by the engineering
department. (Length and material had been a question.) These are all done and in place at this time.

NACA ducts will need to provide enough air for 500 cu in engines at 3 bars pressure.
The car will have a frontal area of 8.61 sq ft and is 40+ feet long with a 1.5 degree included angle on the sides of the body front to rear.
The model has been tested and modified in the Western Washington University wind tunnel under the watchful eye of Dr. Seal and at this time, the results are very
satisfactory. Wind tunnel work as been a real learning curve. At this time, the front end has been reworked a number of times and the current front end has 1000 lbs
of downforce when the front end is 4" in the air. This is what may happen if the car runs over a bump. Great. The splitter that Jim Hume designed for the
nose killed all lift and protruded around the nose by only 5/8". The staff thought that it should come back a little further on the sides.

Contact us for more information.